Lowongan Kerja Pancaran Group

Pancaran Group

Lowongan Kerja – Pancaran Group adalah perusahaan yang telah melayani transportasi domestik dan internasional selama lebih dari 20 tahun, bergerak di bidang jasa transportasi darat (PT Panacaran Darat Transport), jasa transportasi laut (PT Pancaran Samudera Transport), jasa pembuatan kapal (PT Pancaran Samudera Shipyard), jasa logistik (PT Pancaran Logistik Indonesia), jasa transportasi tongkang untuk industri minyak sawit mentah (PT Pancaran Maritim Transportindo), jasa transportasi untuk industri energi (PT Pancaran Energi Transportasi), dan jasa teknologi transportasi (PT Pancaran Teknologi Transportasi Indonesia).

Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) merupakan asset yang sangat berharga atau sebuah investasi besar yang akan menjadi faktor utama yang menentukan suatu keberhasilan sebuah perusahaan/instansi. Pengelolaan Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (MSDM) yang tepat bagi sebuah perusahaan/instansi akan menjadi faktor utama dan membawa kesuksesan yang maksimal. Kreatifitas dan dedikasi para ahli dibidangnya adalah kunci keberhasilan sebuah perusahaan/instansi. Apresiasi yang tinggi atas kontribusi para karyawan menumbuhkan lingkungan kerja yang produktif, inovatif, kreatif dan dinamis.

Baca: Info Lowongan Kerja untuk Lulusan Baru

Maka dari itu Pancaran Group kembali membuka rekrutmen lowongan kerja terbaru untuk sejumlah posisi yang dibutuhkan. Calon kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi, memiliki semangat dan dedikasi yang tinggi serta keinginan untuk berkembang meningkatkan keterampilan dan pengalamannya. Berikut adalah posisi dan kualifikasi lowongan yang tersedia pada saat ini.

Lowongan Kerja Pancaran Group


1. Head of Docking

Job Descriptions:

  • Plan, coordinate, and monitor all vessel docking activities.
  • Prepare docking schedules and ensure all docking activities are completed on time within budget.
  • Manage the docking budget and ensure the expenditures align with the plan.
  • Coordinate with internal and external parties.


  • Minimum education of Bachelor’s degree in Naval Architecture and Engineering or Mechanical Engineering.
  • Minimum 5 years of experience as Head of Docking or Shipyard Manager.
  • Experience in handling vessels (MT/MV).
  • In-depth knowledge of docking processes, ship maintenance, and ship repairs.
  • Strong communication skills and ability to work in a team.
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di Kelapa Gading, Jakarta


2. Ship Superintendent Leader

Job Descriptions:

  • Plan, coordinate, and monitor all vessel docking activities.
  • Prepare docking schedules and ensure all docking activities are completed on time within budget.
  • Manage the docking budget and ensure the expenditures align with the plan.
  • Coordinate with internal and external parties.


  • Minimum education of Bachelor’s degree in Naval Architecture and Engineering or Mechanical Engineering.
  • Minimum 5 years of experience as Head of Docking or Shipyard Manager.
  • Experience in handling vessels (MT/MV).
  • In-depth knowledge of docking processes, ship maintenance, and ship repairs.
  • Strong communication skills and ability to work in a team.


3. Docking Analyst

Job Descriptions:

  • Analyze and schedule docking plans to optimize the use of facilities.
  • Analyze the budget and actualization of docking activities.
  • Conduct audit controls related to the docking process.
  • Ensure standardization of docking plans according to company standards.


  • Minimum education of Bachelor’s degree in Naval Architecture and Engineering.
  • Minimum 2 years of experience as Owner Surveyor or Docking Superintendent.
  • In-depth knowledge of the docking process, ship maintenance, and ship repairs.
  • Strong communication and analytical skills.


4. Project Management Officer

Job Descriptions:

  • Project conception & initiation.
  • Project definition & planning, including:
    • Project negotiation.
    • Contract.
    • Scope of work.
    • Project timeline.
    • Kick-off project.
    • Set up meeting progress.
  • Project Execution & Go Live.
  • Assist Training & UAT.
  • Project documentation (SOP)
  • Project socialization.


  • Minimum bachelor’s degree in any field.
  • Must have 2 years of experience in Project Management.
  • Possess strong analytical skills and good communication abilities.
  • Proficient in managing Microsoft Office.


5. Deputy Head Organization Development & Talent Management

Job Descriptions:

  • Support the design and implementation of organizational development.
  • Conduct organizational needs analysis and recommend improvement strategies.
  • Assist in identifying, developing, and retaining top talent within the organization.
  • Develop leadership development programs and career plans for employees.
  • Create succession profiles, identify potential candidates, and provide development programs for successor candidates.


  •  A Bachelor’s degree in Psychology or a related field is required, and candidates with a Master’s degree are preferred.
  • At least 5 years of experience in Organizational Development (OD) and Talent Management.
  • Advanced analytical abilities with the capacity to interpret performance metrics effectively.
  • Outstanding communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Proven track record in change management and cultural transformation.
  • Comprehensive knowledge of current trends and methodologies in OD and Talent Management.


6. Commercial Officer

Job Descriptions:

  • Conduct prospecting activities for all categories of company services according to the established schedule.
  • Perform sales of all company services by devising effective sales strategies to achieve company targets.
  • Maintain good relationships with customers.
  • Coordinate with relevant parties to achieve sales targets.
  • Conduct surveys on competitors’ products in the market regarding their prices, strengths, and weaknesses.

Job Qualifications:

  • Minimum education of Diploma in Business, Management, Marketing, or Finance.
  • At least 2 years of experience in sales, preferably in the shipping industry.
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office.
  • Good product marketing and problem-solving skills.
  • Strong planning, organizing, communication, and negotiation skills.
  • Ability to collaborate with various parties.


7. HCGS Section Head

Job Descriptions:

  • Ensure the accuracy of the employee database through regular updates and maintenance.
  • Collaborate with department heads to develop yearly budgets for both HR operations and general services.
  • Effectively oversee the utilization of budgets.
  • Handle the monthly payroll calculations for all employees.
  • Verify the existence of valid employment contacts for new hires.


  • Minimum Bachelor’s degree in any major.
  • Minimum 2 years experience as a supervisor or section head in Payroll, Compensation & Benefit, Tax PPH 21, or General Services.
  • In-depth knowledge of HR Operations, compensation & benefit, labor law & regulations.
  • Strong communication skills and the ability to build effective working relationships.
  • Familiarity with HRIS is preferred.


8. Fleet Monitoring Section Head

Job Descriptions:

  • Laytime calculation, including demurrage calculation.
  • Preparation of vessels before hire.
  • Responsible for appointing agents and monitoring their activities and performance.
  • Responsible for cost control of agency activities and coordination.
  • Management of claims from external parties or customers, and insurance.
  • Follow-up on audit findings.


  • Minimum Bachelor’s degree in Naval Engineering or ANT/ATT II.
  • More than 5 years of experience in the operational department of shipping companies, with experience dealing with tankers or Mother Vessels.
  • Good communication skills and proficiency in English (speaking and writing).
  • Proficient in using Microsoft Office.


9.  Mekanik Mesin

Deskripsi Pekerjaan:

  • Melakukan pengecekan kerusakan struktur kapal; serta membuat laporannya.
  • Melakukan perbaikan dan pemeliharaan kapal.
  • Membuat laporan kerusakan dan perbaikan kapal yang telah dilakukan.


  • Pendidikan Minimal SMK/D3 Jurusan Teknik Mesin.
  • Pengalaman Minimal 2 tahun sebagai Mekanik.
  • Familiar mengenai Permesinan Kapal.
  • Cekatan dan memiliki keinginan belajar yang tinggi.


10. Marine Superintendent

Job Description:

  • Review passage plans and stowage plans created by the ship.
  • Monitor and ensure the smooth process of shipment and the ship’s journey according to the specified time and targets.
  • Monitor and ensure that the duties of the Master, Chief Officer, Second Officer, and Third Officer are carried out properly on board the ship.


  • Minimum education of Diploma-IV Nautical and hold Certificate of Deck Officer Class 1.
  • Minimum of 1 year of experience as a Marine Superintendent.
  • Experience as a Chief Officer on a ship is considered an advantage.
  • Understanding of ship documentation, including Life Saving Appliances (LSA) and Fire Fighting Appliances (FFA).
  • Familiarity and proficiency with regulations and rules within the ISM Code, Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), and Marine Pollution (MARPOL).


11. Business Intelligence Analyst

Job Description:

  • Develop application programs and systems
  • Create dashboards or reports tailored to the company’s requirements
  • Build ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes to extract, clean, and transform data from various sources into a unified and analyzable format.
  • Maintain compatibility and interoperability across internal computing systems.
  • Create system implementation or project documentation.


  • Minimum education Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering.
  • At least 2 years experience as a Business Intelligence Analyst or Data Analyst.
  • Proficient in Tableau or Power BI.
  • Ability to manage SQL databases, and think critically and logically.
  • Excellent communication and problem-solving skills.


12. Crew Manning (tugboat)

Deskripsi Pekerjaan:

  • Mengatur mobilisasi, demobilisasi, dan perizinan crew kapal sesuai kebutuhan.
  • Menyusun dan memperbarui surat perjanjian kerja serta memastikan kelengkapan dokumen crew.
  • Membuat dan memperbarui daftar crew, serta melakukan validasi timesheet downtime.
  • Mengatur proses berobat, memvalidasi pengajuan cuti, dan melakukan asesmen terhadap crew.
  • Mengidentifikasi kebutuhan training crew dan menyusun rencana pelatihan.


  • Minimum pendidikan D3/S1 semua jurusan pelayaran.
  • Berpengalaman dalam menangani crew kapal tugboat dan memahami prosedur rekrutmen crew.
  • Memahami peraturan dan regulasi negara bendera serta regulasi internasional terkait MLC (Marine Labor Convention).
  • Menguasai aturan terkait sertifikasi pelaut dan mampu mengoperasikan komputer & Microsoft Office dengan baik.
  • Memiliki kemampuan problem solving yang baik dan komunikasi efektif dengan berbagai pihak.
  • Mampu bekerjasama dengan berbagai pihak.


13. Stock Monitoring (Warehouse)

Deskripsi Pekerjaan:

  • Monitor dan mencatat arus masuk dan keluar barang ke dan dari gudang.
  • Melakukan inventarisasi berkala untuk memastikan keakuratan data fisik dengan catatan sistem.
  • Memasukkan data stok ke dalam sistem manajemen gudang (warehouse).
  • Membuat laporan bulanan tentang status stok dan aktivitas gudang.


  • Minimal pendidikan D-III semua jurusan.
  • Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun dalam manajemen stok atau warehousing.
  • Mahir dalam sistem manajemen gudang dan software terkait.
  • Keterampilan komunikasi yang baik dan kemampuan untuk bekerja dalam tim.



Bagi yang berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi, silahkan melakukan pendaftaran secara online ATAU kirim CV terbaru anda melalui email ke:

Subject : Mekanik Mesin – Nama Lengkap Anda / Head of Docking – Your Name / Docking Analyst:- Nama Lengkap Anda


  • Proses apply rekrutmen ini dilakukan melalui online ATAU email.
  • Proses rekrutmen dilakukan tanpa biaya (GRATIS!!!).
  • Harap hati-hati penipuan yang mengatasnamakan Pancaran Group, dan Cakerja.
  • Join Group Telegram untuk Update Loker Setiap Harinya di  T.ME/CAKERJA 

Apply Now!

  • Batas Lamaran: -
  • Link: https://cakerja.com/1302
Perhatian: Kami tidak pernah meminta imbalan atau biaya dalam bentuk apapun terhadap rekrutmen disitus ini apabila ada pihak yang mengatasnamakan kami atau perusahaan meminta biaya seperti transportasi atau akomodasi atau yang lainnya bisa dipastikan itu PALSU.
Kategori Lowongan:
D3 D4 S1 SMK